This is the question I have found myself asking GOD so many times in the past few months. We have faced by far the most challenging times in my lifetime. Never have I felt so helpless. As a coach I always felt like I had control over my program, my family, and even my life. Sure, there have been challenging times, and yes God was always present, but this COVID pandemic has forced me to seek HIM more than ever! Then when you throw in all of the racial unrest and tension with law enforcement in America it is overwhelming! As I mentioned before, I have been asking GOD over and over - WHY? The most frustrating part is I wasn’t getting an answer. Then I read
Romans 8:28:
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose”
It occurred to me that I had been asking GOD the wrong question. Instead of why, I should be asking what and how. What GOD do you want me to do so that YOU may be glorified? How am I to serve and honor YOU during these challenging times? This verse reminded me that the ALMIGHTY GOD works for good in all things!! I have my opinions about COVID and BLM just like everyone else. Our opinions are valid, but GOD’S plan is sovereign! So now my prayer is how should I respond in a Godly way. The answer is to seek HIM first!! Psalms 121: 1-2 says:
“I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help
comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.”
These are challenging times indeed, but our GOD is the true GOAT (Greatest of All Time)! Sorry for the football reference but it is hard to take the coach out of me. GO TEAM!!